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Myanmar Banking & Payments Conference
2nd Myanmar Manufacturing Summit 2016

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Expression of Interest for the following items in Yangon
Open tender for " Construction Railway Stations (Cleaning Rooms and Getting Water) " in Yangon
Open tender for " Increasing Tender Closing Date " for " Construction a new Railway Station and Upgrading the old Railway Station " in Yangon
Open tender for upgrading " Railroad " and purchase of " Chain Link, Barbed Wire, M.S Angle, M.S Plate, M.S Rod, and M.S Base Plate " for fencing in Yangon
Open tender for purchase of the following kinds of things in Yangon
Open tender for purchasing the following kinds of things in Yangon
Open tender for sales of "Lubricant" in Mandalay
Open tender for purchase of " Things to be used in Building Box Culvert, Platform Truck and purchase of 60 Locomotive Spare things" in Yangon
Open tender for purchase of "Diesel H.S.D" for the following places in Yangon
Open tender for the following kinds of "Things and Works " in Yangon
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